Breakthrough Leadership Model™
by Ted Santos, Turnaround Investment Partners

A Celebration of Latino Leadership: Tools for Becoming a Leader in a Global Economy

The purpose of this workshop is to give Latino managers/leaders deeper insights into how Latino culture prepares you for Corporate America.  At the same time, the workshop will explore the gaps and pitfalls between Corporate America and the Latino community and the necessary tools Latinos need to bridge the gap. 

In the workshop, participants will acquire tools to produce results through others, instead of trying to do it all themselves.  These tools will empower the participants to create the catalyst to instill innovation in their subordinates as well as themselves.  The tools are appropriate for managers that are responsible for orchestrating change and navigating through new territory. 

The workshop is designed for managers that are looking for strategies to move their team or organization to the next level.  At the same time, to ensure the next level is sustainable, new skills and competencies are required for an organization seeking to accelerate growth, drive innovation and produce unprecedented results.   

To do this, participants will learn the Breakthrough Leadership Model™.  The model gives participants tools to create problems which serve as the catalyst to differentiate them in the marketplace, galvanize teams around an initiative, mine the intellectual capital of staff and management and bring the best out of their people. As they learn the model, they will become clearer about the vision of their company or team and what structures are currently missing to support it.  As an ancillary outcome, problems can create a sense of urgency, empower staff and management to increase commitment as well as increase problem-solving skills.

To ensure the effectiveness of the Breakthrough Leadership Model™, participants will also learn the behavioral attitudes and thought processes that commonly derail change initiatives or breakthrough projects.  The workshop will explore specific cultural beliefs in the Latino community that impede professional development.  They will learn to recognize the symptoms and strategies to keep their career or project on track and accelerate growth trajectories.  

In addition, participants will learn strategies to effectively delegate responsibilities and create a learning organization.  They will learn to implement structures to develop leadership skills in others.  As a result, they will be freed to focus on the future as well as management responsibilities, instead of doing the activities of subordinates. 

As a result, managers/leaders are able to spend greater amounts of time focusing on larger initiatives.  Additionally, participants will learn competencies to increase their effectiveness in the face of problems or imminent breakdowns that accompany greater achievements.

In the workshop, various case studies will be presented to demonstrate examples of how extraordinary leaders of the past intentionally created problems as a method to produce unprecedented results.

I. Introduction
A.    Intention of the program
B.    Power of the Latino community in business – entrepreneurial culture
C.    What it means to be Latino in Corporate America
D.    Upsets with Corporate America in the Latino community
E.    What derails breakthrough initiatives – beliefs (assumptions & expectations) 
F.    Exercise
G.    Uncovering blind spots
H.    Who owns your future? 

II. Introduction of Breakthrough Leadership Model™
A. What separates extraordinary leaders from others?
B. Exploring the distinctions of the model
C. Break out groups to work on case study

III. Debrief
A. Insights into self, group and your people – what did you learn?
B. What will you do differently?

IV. Creating the future for your enterprise or team
A. Exploring quantum leaps in your company (unspoken client demands)
B. Problem creation strategies (clarity about the future)
C. Inventing disruptive technology – breakthrough project
D. Building a supporting infrastructure

V. Fostering an environment to create breakthroughs
A. Delegation strategies
B. Coaching and guiding
C. Developing leadership throughout the enterprise

VI. Changing the DNA of your organization
A. New context for management
B. Building a culture
C. Case study

VII. Debrief
A. Insights into self, group and your people – what did you learn?
B. What will you do differently?

VIII. What’s next for your organization
A. What is leadership?
B. What is the future of your enterprise?
C. What are your new commitments?
D. What will you do differently?

Breakthrough Leadership Model™
What does this model mean?

Responsibility is the ability to identify one’s contribution to the outcome, whether a success or failure.

Accountability is taking ownership.  It is the segment of the project one will own.

Integrity is when your actions reflect or are correlated with what you say.  If you say you will do something, do it when you said and the way you said.  If there is a reason you can no longer fulfill the task on time, communicate that to the appropriate parties. 

Commitment is an intention to build something.  It is an intention to accomplish a possibility beyond what has already been achieved.  A commitment is not a task or something to do.  Extraordinary commitments require one to become the commitment, instead checking off a to-do list.

Stand is the end game or reason your business exists.  You find leadership’s stand having a huge impact on the culture of an organization, department or team.  The stand galvanizes teams.  It becomes the value system of the enterprise.  It is the platform from which all stakeholders stand next to and partner with leadership.  It is the life-blood of the company.  It keeps everyone together in the face of success or failure.  An example is the Founding Fathers of the US taking a stand for liberty and freedom.

Declaration is the willingness to speak the future into existence.  Instead of reacting to circumstances, you create circumstances for which the competition has to respond.  In essence, you invent the future, instead of having the best reaction to the future.  It is leadership saying what the future will be.  It is a way of manifesting a new reality, even though there is no blue print for it.  It requires putting a lot at stake.  The Founding Fathers declared independence from Great Britain.  And their lives were at stake.

Actions are correlated with commitment, stand and declaration.  In some organizations, actions are correlated with proving who is right and who is wrong.  Unfortunately, at the end of proving, nothing is accomplished and people are licking wounds or pounding their chest.

Breakdowns, problems or disruptions are huge opportunities.  They uncover what's missing.  When the CEO declares a future that does not exist, he simultaneously creates a breakdown.  Why?  Because there are conversations, plans, strategies and actions which are missing.  For example, when John F. Kennedy declared the US would put a man on the moon he clearly stated what the future would be.  Although he stated the future, there was no proof it could be done.  This created a problem for which new structures had to be built:  NASA.  And it was an opportunity for the entire nation to solve the problem and be part of history.  In the case of Kennedy, his declaration was so inspiring it lived on after his death, in the face of many failed attempts.

Throughout the life of projects, disruptions will occur.  Developing mastery with breakdowns allows projects to stay on course.  It keeps everyone focused on what’s missing, instead of figuring out what’s wrong.

More importantly, intentional breakdowns can instill innovation and accelerate revenue growth.  Some of the other benefits include new knowledge being acquired, motivation is increased, it easier to attract top talent, people are more willing to embrace change, and the business becomes branded as leading edge innovators.  When an enterprise is known as innovative, consumers reward you.  They trust you and are more willing to pay a premium for your new product.
